Subcontractor pre-qualification is an integral part of our risk management program and a prerequisite for working with Colvos Construction.

Complete and return the subcontractor  questionnaire to help us better understand your operational capabilities,
safety record, and liquidity. 

Subcontractor Qualification 

Suggested for all subcontractors and suppliers, this application assists us in determining if your company is eligible to be included in our list of potential bidders for future building projects.


Review the checklist below to determine if you insurance policies meet our required standards. 

safety requirements

All subcontractors and their employees must abide by the Safety Standards for Construction Work. By signing your Subcontract Agreement, you agree to follow Colvos Construction’s Accident Prevention Program and Policies. 

Subcontractor packet

This document provides a general overview of the contractual obligations with which subcontractors will be required to comply. 

For more information, contact Mike Davis, Preconstruction Manager at


Before you get started, you will need the following information to complete the application:

  • Copy of W-9

  • List of company license numbers

  • List of state sales tax numbers

  • List of state unemployment insurance numbers

  • List of insurance agreements

  • List of current projects

  • List of recently completed projects

  • Current financial statement

  • Bank information

  • 3 supplier references

  • 3 contractor references

  • Insurance information